Pretty cool, there was a point where I was messing around with toString and toArray for saving and loading data, eventually I got frustrated and called it quits.
Since each block is only represented by a single character. if you wanted to make the codes shorter, you could take each column between the | signs, remove the commas, treat the entire column as a single 13-digit number and convert that number into Base 64, couldn't you? Then each column would be 7 or 8 lines long instead of 13.
When interpreting the data, you could convert it back into base 10, parse each character as a separate value for the array, and then break the array down into your level again. 162 characters vs 252 slashes the length of the code by about 1/3.
Nice... a bit antiquate maybe :)
Well it's more for beginners to intermediate. Though yes it is a little outdated now for a more experienced developer.