Hey guys, released my new game Heli vs Tower! A game where you see how far you
can make it. Always liked that style of game. Also wanted to do something with helicopters going pew pew. It's a little simple. I think I might have to start expanding on these ideas now with upgrade systems. You can also eject out the helicopter to take over new helicopters to survive longer.
I think it turned out alright, a nice little time waster to see how far you get. Time will tell anyways as I watch the scores and reviews of it. I've been trying to get more into action games lately rather then comedy.
I've been making good progress and making more stuff lately, finally getting back into the swing of things after my long break and bad times through life. Getting on my feet and releasing new stuff again! it feels good. Feels like progress!
Every game is a new lesson to teach me new things about what works, what doesn't. Art and Programming lessons. Design ideas and what the general public likes. So I'm always happy when a new game is released. An exciting day! :)
My next game I'm gonna raise the bar and try a sidescroller shooter with destructible ground like I used in Draw-Play and Heaven and Hell. So stay tuned for that baby.